Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The end of IVF cycle 1

Most couples are blessed to be able to have children naturally, for an unlucky group of us we have to turn to science. IVF is our only option for having a baby; I was eager and hopeful at the start of our treatment as most women are. The physical pain from the treatment was not bad but the mental anguish experienced is exhausting. Going in to our IVF treatment I knew the statistics but I was young, healthy and active; our odds were looking great.

I knew the outcome wasn’t going to be good with how many embryos had started arresting after retrieval. It is never good when the nurse on the other line asks if I am somewhere I can talk privately. She told me the news I already knew in my heart, none of the embryos had made it and there would not be a transfer today, I was instructed to stop the estrogen and progesterone and come in tomorrow at 4pm to talk with the doctor. She tried her best to be positive and reassure me while letting me know that more extensive tests will need to be performed. Nothing quite like feeling you have completely and utterly failed at life. Negative thoughts flood my mind and crush the little speck of hope that was remaining. Why did this happen to us? This pain I am feeling is indescribable. The tears continue to roll down my face, my breathing labored, a pain in my heart I have never felt.

I am feeling intense resentment towards anyone that is pregnant. Thoughts of women who accidentally become pregnant or women who are constantly complaining about their pregnancy pop in to my head. Do you know what women who are suffering from infertility would do to “accidentally” become pregnant or have morning sickness? I have this overwhelming sense to run and disappear. 
Image result for ivf memes

I’ve failed as a woman, the one job I am biologically programmed to do, I can’t. The one thing I want most in this world seems so far. How do you pick yourself up when every inch of you is broken?

While everything around me seems lackluster and mute, my husband has proven yet again why I love him so intensely.  He is my rock and is my constant reminder to keep fighting. While I slip into a depressed state he is there to save me and remind me that I love a good fight and this is a fight we will not give up on. Nothing worth having comes easy and I need to remind myself that daily. I am ready for these horrid hormones to leave my body and for my brain to clear. It is time to go back to the drawing board and tackle this obstacle. I have picked up my favorite bottle of wine and will drink it from the bottle with no shame, I will continue to cry until I have nothing left,  I will pick myself up and continue our fight.

Image result for courage doesn't always roar

1 comment:

  1. You will make it through. You are strong and just keep pushing the forward. Xoxo and lots of prayers for you and your family
